Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My outlook on the readings

In reading “Getting Started Writing Science Fiction” I was a little confused and I had and still have no idea who James Gunn is. I even Goggled him, I don’t relate to him and I don’t know how to really interoperate his work. Still after reading it I still am getting out of it that it was about writing fiction and how the authors point of view and what or who motivates them. And about where the author mentioned “Still with me?” I am so not and I am still lost.
While I read the second article “Descriptive Writing” it sort of tied in the first piece but did not fill in all the blanks I still have. But I did like the way the writer mentioned that one must not over do the descriptiveness of their writing. I for one can sometimes get lost if there is too much description going on where the audience/reader cannot imagine or figure out things for themselves. I being a horse person could think of so many other words to use instead of horse. Yes when a reader uses something I can relate to I usually remember it more and it clicks. Now the article clicked in my head of what everything is suppose to be about. I think??
The piece “How to Write a Novel: The Snowflake Method” was really long but interesting to me I enjoyed how the author compared writing a novel to a snowflake. Also I liked how right off the bat the author mentioned that writing a novel is easy but a good one, well that’s a another story (no pun intended). I also enjoyed reading the authors perspective on how to write a novel as I have never written one myself I leave that to the more eccentric and creative people. Not saying that I am not creative it is just my creative writing skills are not up to par as compared to others. I liked (for a lack of a better word) that the author gave tips at the end of how to use the snowflake method if need be.
Just the title of the next piece of writing intrigued me “Secrets of book publishing I wish I had known” this would not only draw my attention but probably keep me reading just to see what the secrets are. The first secret I read about was that the publishers do not do what they do for the sheer love of books. I personally know this and I am not a writer, it is silly to think so, but that’s just my opinion. Also the other secret I found interesting is that if you write a book for money then you have no business writing a book because then you are writing for other reasons then yourself and in writing I have been told that you always should write for yourself and yourself only.

1 comment:

  1. The last paragraph of your post picks up on a contrast I also noticed, i.e., publishers are in it for the money while writers can't afford to be in it for the money. Trying to maintain a relationship between two such divergent positions must require a great deal of energy.

    Still, I'm curious if these "secrets" still ring true, given the advent of self-publishing online.
