Wednesday, September 30, 2009

almost forgot :/

Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices
As I was reading this essay I am thinking to myself that, plagiarism is so easy to do, and everyone tries not to do so, but unfortunately its not always the case. There are so many reasons to not plagiarize anything, there are legal, career, school consequences as well as many more I can not think of off the top of my head. I believe this topic will conjure up some very interesting conversations in any discussion. The breakdown of how not to plagiarize and advice for when you do and what to expect from some individuals, I thought this portion was mostly geared toward faculty for example teachers of the age group of children that are of age to do a research project. This was ok I would rather had it be more towards students.
What plagiarism looks like
All that needs to be said here is that it is not just students that need to be watched like a hawk. This to me is like “pot meet kettle” or “do as I say not as I do”.
Scientist explain why they plagiarize
Also like mentioned in this piece of writing now a days its too easy for someone that is writing anything and use the copy and paste future that is becoming so popular and especially in this business of plagiarizing things. This is why you should try so hard not to plagiarize, no excuse of but even the scientist do it, who cares it’s about you the writer not them.
The ecstasy of influence: A plagiarism
Reading this particular piece of writing I noticed that there were a lot of random thoughts and things that did not really belong but the subject matter flowed and so did the paragraphs so I went with it. Then I remembered James saying something about a particular piece that was written totally from someone else’s work. It all made sense in the end, actually this was never plagiarism because in the end the author told the readers where the author got the information. All in all this was the best to read and it kept my interest.
For me personally I don’t believe I have ever plagiarized because as a child that was programmed/drilled into our heads that it was wrong and not ok to do so. This is correct it is wrong, and not ok to plagiarize in my standards. So whoever does this intentionally should know what they have coming to them and don not play dumb, but I guess it all depends on how you were taught as a child.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stranger Than Fiction

What I have seen so far in the movie is that the writer has come so far with a good book and she is having the worst time creating a dramatic ending that it is done nothing but overcome her. When an assistant was hired to help her meet her deadline she just gets more stressed. The writer’s block is totally overcoming her every action. I am never a person who would attempt to write a book but if I was her I would not let something like that bother me. But I guess I have never been under that much pressure before. What she could do is write something and then you can always go back and change it. The plot of her book has been interesting so far. What I found annoying was the white description things that appeared in the first part of the movie, but I got use to them and even enjoyed reading them as the movie progressed. Have never seen the movie before and I am looking forward to what tomorrow brings and hopefully I will enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday Night Thoughts

“Writing in the Age of Distraction”
I agree with the author about the distraction of the internet. With other things that are on your computer it is hard to focus on just your writing, now there are all the social networking sites along with games, or just something new drawing you away from writing. The author’s dos and don’ts for writing are really interesting. Some I can see myself doing like when a fact needs to be added insert “TK” and then keep going, because personally I have done just what the author describes googleing to find a fact for my paper and get lost in Google land. I keep thinking about the rough edges, this is a really good way to think about any paper, essay, book, short story etcetera. Take it slow and if you are done mid sentence leave it that way and return to it at a later time or date. This I think will help me because it is ok to leave something half way done just not if its due soon.

“How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write”
When reading this piece of writing I found the introduction to be a little strange and not really doing its job. I do understand how the Google search goes and what goes on to make it work and connect to the right words and what not. But what I do not understand is what it has to do with books or how we as writers compose our pieces of writing. What I do understand is that the e-book contraptions, I personally don not really care for because if I am taking the time to read a book I want to be able to do the un heard of and curl up in a blanket and it and read. I do not want to curl up with a mini laptop thingy. I also can see the other side of it as well; it is good for the avid reader who does not mind reading a book from a tiny computer screen. This is my opinion on the whole e-book, a book is a book and it should stay that way.

“On the changing roles of authors and readers”
So in reading this I was enjoying it and in the back of my mind I am thinking to myself what the heck is a “unbook”?? I do not know if anyone else was thinking this while reading. I feel kind of silly admitting this but I finally had to Google it because I got nowhere with clicking at the top where the tabs are on the webpage to find out what an “unbook” was. I did find out what an “unbook” is and the reading made alto more sense to me after I found out what I was reading about. The author made a good comparison about writers and magicians. The author described writers as magicians because in a way writers do create a “place” for the readers. If a writer cannot create a way for me to imagine a place in my head then I am most likely not going to read any more of the piece or just grumble about having to read it.


I just thought this was cute and it sort of goes along with the discussion we had in class on Tuesday. its the 9-2-09 strip.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday night opinion

“Words for Print VS Words for Web”
While reading this piece of writing, I was not following it very well. I did not get the connections right away. It took me a while I actually read it tow times before I sort of came to an understanding with the writing. I do not know if it is me or what. What did find interesting that even thou having a printed version of a magazine or newspaper is becoming obsolete, there is always hope according to this writing. Also that professional bloggers are veterans of the magazine industry, this makes sense to me because of the way that the blogs and the magazine articles are the same. They are the same in my opinion because of the word choice, style and content. On the other hand they can be very different, by one has to be polished and an editor sees it while the other one has the option of being edited. It’s a choice.
“Traditional Writing Skills Don’t Work on the Web”
This reading was better in terms of easiness to follow and kept my interest throughout. I enjoyed the analogy of web content to an elevator ride to the next stop. This was a good way to do this, it painted a specific situation into my head, very relatable scenario. I also enjoyed the authors description of the business website, “anything that is on your website that strokes your ego, makes you smile, whatever you think is cool remove immediately”. This summarized statement does speak the truth, when working in a professional setting there should not be a link to the companies twitter account, first of all a company should not have a twitter account in the first place, come on it’s a place of business not pleasure. This coming from firsthand experience searching for a company finding one and seeing the link to their twitter account, not a good idea in my opinion. And if it is a good idea and I am proven wrong, what is this world coming to.
“We Are All Writers Now”
In the middle of reading this article I needed to stop and write down my thoughts before they escaped my brain. I see the authors point on how people view the social networking sites as something that sucks the time right out of our lives. With a wonderful rebuttal so far of one teachers account that her students do the twenty fife things about me on a daily basis and or for fun. So in her lesson plans she can “skip over” or just cover it briefly. This makes a lot of sense, people are not afraid to put anything in their status updates on any of the sites. There are always two sides to the story; I need to read on to find out more. The author backs this up by making a statement along the lines of whether you like it or not we are all writers. This refers to all forms whether it be on facebook or twitter to a lab report or a essay, they are all forms of writing now take it or leave it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

about readings

If I remember correctly Mr. Schirmer said something in class along the lines of people reading something from the computer or on line only have the attention span or memory span to hold information in-between four hundred and six hundred words but not more than six hundred on average. In reading most of the required readings while on my computer I realized that there is some truth to this. I found myself losing my place in the longer paragraphs. It is sad but true. I enjoyed reading “Internet-Age Writing Syllabus and Course Overview” by Robert Lanham I chuckled to myself a little while reading it and it was the most entertaining one for me to read, the information given about is something almost everyone is including in their daily routine like curling up with paper books is unheard of, now it’s just reading a virtual book on your palm-pilot or blackberry. It does a good job of opening our eyes to what we have come to, no more classic books we can hold and let get dusty or dog-eared because of being read so much. Where is the fun it that. Also when words are printed on paper they die, this was interesting to me but somewhat the truth.
In reading “Twitter, Flickr, Facebook Make Blogs Look So 2004” by Paul Boutin, was an ok read, it was a little demanding when you first get into it, did not like that very much but it pulled you in to want to know the authors opinion on why you should not have a blog. Boutin does have some good points but he is just one opinion among many on both sides weather you should have a blog or stick to the more modern alternatives like facebook or twitter. While reading about the Stanford Study of Writing, research overview I found it interesting that the study came up with so much diversity, but I believe that was expected due to the study spanning over five years. What jumped right out at me by reading “blogging essential for a good career” is that a company will often Google future employees, yes this is true but what is said on all the social networking sites can hinder or help you on their decision to hire you or not. Placing your thoughts on a blog and not on a facebook page does not “hide” you from your future employer. I tend to live in reality where being hired for your personal blog only happens to a few people. Don’t get me wrong I do believe it happens but not as often as the author wants us to think it does. “On Blogging and Becoming a Better Writer” reading this one was I have a different opinion with almost everything the author says. Also what is with the analogy to the time spent at the gym stretching and the blogs of how it’s a way to try new things, im not clearly understanding that, I don’t know if it is because I am not that passionate about writing or what?? Reading “How the other half writes: in defense of twitter” the comparisons are have a strange truth about them. From “There’s an Art to Writing on facebook and twitter—really” the only one that stood out to me was this one and it got me thinking "Great blogging is great writing, and it turns out great Twittering is great writing — it's the haiku form of blogging," says Debbie Weil, a consultant on social media and author of The Corporate Blogging Book. Interesting comparisons used in article.

Day 1...

I hope this works. Also I am hoping this is what we need to do instaed of putting all of the four to six hundred words all on here now?? right?? My first blog...the world might come to a screeching halt.