Wednesday, November 4, 2009


For this blog post I got the email with the attachments and the two posted websites as assigned readings I attempted to open the attachments but with no luck. I tried and tried to unzip the files that were attached to the email, just the zippers were stuck, I am so punny when I want to be.

So for the first reading, I chose “How to write a cover letter” naturally because it was the first article listed.(I apologize for the sarcasm, had a moment from when my internet was not working, then just not being able to open the attachments kind of ran into one another). Also when I was reading this I was thinking to myself, a cover letter is not always for a resume, it can be for many other things in the professional world like a fax, a change to a manual, anything could involve a cover letter. I for one have created many cover letters. I work at a company, in the trade compliance dept., inside this company we deal with many of these cover letters in the context of the working world they do not have to be as formal, but close I usually will state at the top of a fax cover letter for example the ATTN: line and from, to, date, a brief paragraph stating why the fax is being sent and then usually conclude with a thank you and nine times out of ten I print it off on company letterhead. This is just one instance in how I use letterheads in my work as an trade compliance. But it was a really good basic outline for a cover letter for a resume.

First of all for the second reading “Writing the Personal Statement”, I have to mention I love owl, such a good website. I did not know that they had a guide to writing a resume…. I will probably look at this and recommend it to individuals that I know who would utilize it to its full potential. I always knew they had something for APA and MLA, now I am going to have to do some snooping around. I also like how owl just makes things seem so much simpler for whatever reason, this is how you should do it, and this is why, sometimes cut and dry, if life was like that, we would be having no fun. Fun should always be included in everything you do.

About the bringing in of something professional writing, yes so had something printed out at work, from work, but went to a five hour meeting and sort of forgot it on my desk. But the important thing in my eyes is remembered.


  1. Did you agree with everything they said in the readings? A few of the examples they listed of "weak" and "strong" were almost identical. I think the most important aspect of resumes etc. is content. What you've done is more important than changes one or two words. Do you agree?

  2. I think that it is so true that a cover letter can be used for many different things and that how professional it is depends on the what the context. I also have to do a lot of fax cover letters where I work and they are mostly not as formal as what was described in these articles.

  3. I guess I have never really understood what the cover letters were all about. I didn't realize they were used so much. I have never really used a cover letter, and have always wondered what the point of them was. But if they're so important in the business world, I guess I should have paid more attention in high school when my teacher was covering them :)
